Invite your team to Sumday

Head to ‘Advisor Basecamp’ and invite your team to Sumday to begin upskilling in Sumday Academy.

Adding and Managing Staff

Advisor Basecamp is designed to simplify staff management for firms using Sumday. Follow these steps to add staff, manage roles, and assign team members to client accounts effectively.

Navigating to Advisor Basecamp

To access Advisor Basecamp:

  1. Log in to your Sumday account.
  1. Use the Organisation Dropdown Menu located in the top-right corner of the main portal.
  1. Select Advisor Basecamp from the dropdown options.
  1. Upon accessing Basecamp, you will see your demo organisation and all other client organisations linked to your firm.

Inviting Team Members

To add staff to your firm’s account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Staff section in Advisor Basecamp and click the Invite Staff button in the top left corner.
  1. Enter the team member's name, email, and select their role (Owner, Administrator, or Advisor). Refer to Staff Roles and Permissions below for guidance on assigning roles.
  1. Once the details are filled out, the invited team member will receive an email to join your Sumday account.
  1. By default, invited members will have access to a demo organisation account and Advisor Basecamp without edit rights. This access includes the Sumday Academy. To grant access to specific client files or your firm’s account, follow the steps in Assigning Staff to Organisations.
  1. If you cannot see the Invite Staff button, you may not have Administration level access. Contact the account owner to update your role.
  1. If you’re unable to invite team members, your firm may have reached the user seat cap for your Advisor Tier Plan. Contact for assistance.

Staff Roles and Permissions

There are three roles available for staff members:

Full access with ownership rights. There can be only one owner per advisor organisation. The owner manages the firm’s subscription and can reassign the role.
Full access except ownership rights. Can add/remove staff, edit staff details, and assign roles.
Sufficient access for most staff. Can view and access client files they have been assigned to.

Removing Staff Members

To remove a staff member from your account:

  1. Go to the Staff section in Advisor Basecamp.
  1. Click the ... menu next to the staff member’s name.
  1. Select Remove Staff Member from the dropdown menu.

Assigning Staff to Organisations (Client Files)

To assign a staff member to a client’s account:

  • From Staff Profiles:
      1. Click on the staff member’s name in the Staff section.
      1. Assign them to an organisation from their individual user profile.
  • From Organisations:
      1. Navigate to the Organisations section.
      1. Select the organisation and assign staff members directly from there.

Additional Notes

  • If you’re setting up a client in Sumday, you can create an account for them by selecting Add New Organisation + in your Sumday account.
  • Either provide payment details yourself or have the client activate their account with their own billing information.

Using these tools, Advisor Basecamp ensures seamless collaboration and effective staff management for your carbon accounting practice.

Any feedback or suggestions, just give us a shout at

Now that you’ve invited your team, you’re ready to start upskilling 🎓
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