Start with the Introduction to Carbon Accounting Course
This course helps advisors understand how to complete an emissions assessment in line with the GHG Protocol.
For most firms, the first step is to train the team by working through the self directed online Introduction to Carbon Accounting Course. This course helps advisors understand how to complete an emissions assessment in line with the GHG Protocol. The course is designed to be self paced, and includes notes, videos, links and quizzes. When team members are completing a client engagement, they can come back to this course and review relevant sections as helpful.
Accessing the Course
Once you have been invited into Sumday, head towards Sumday Academy in the left hand side menu bar. You’ll then find the Introduction to Carbon Accounting course.
What is included in the course?
The course consists of 18 modules covering videos, notes, worked examples and quizzes, concluding with a final exam (don’t worry it’s not scary and you can have multiple attempts). After successfully completing the exam, you're issued with a certificate to recognise your achievement! You can use the certificate as evidence of completion for your CPD hours too.
How long does it take?
Some people have finished the course in a few days, some a few weeks.
The course is designed to be self-paced.
We estimate each chapter will take around 30 minutes without all additional reading, so around 10-20 hours.
Module 1: Introduction to Carbon Accounting
Video: 13 Minutes
Chapters: 9
Module Objectives:
- Understand what's involved in carbon accounting
- Understand the greenhouse effect
- Gain insight into the science behind carbon accounting
- Understand why carbon accounting is important
- Understand different frameworks such as TCFD, GRI and SBTi
- The GHG Protocol
- Glossary
- An Introduction to Carbon Accounting
- Why the Focus on Carbon Accounting?
- The Greenhouse Gases
- What Does Carbon Accounting Involve?
- The Human-induced Greenhouse Effect
- The Changing Social Landscape
- The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- Common Things You've Probably Heard About – Explainer
- Wrap-up
- Quiz
Module 2: Carbon Accounting Framework
Video: 13 Minutes
Chapters: 12
Module Objectives:
- Become aware of the GHG Protocol and understand key principles
- Understand the purpose of the GHG Protocol
- Understand what's involved in an emissions assessment at a high level
- Understand why carbon accounting is important
- Understand different frameworks such as TCFD, GRI and SBTi
- The Corporate Standard
- What Is the GHG Protocol?
- Key Principles
- Setting a Boundary
- The Three 'Scopes'
- Overview of Scope 1
- Overview of Scope 2
- Overview of Scope 3
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- The Sumday Emissions Factor Database
- Assurance Framework
- Other Frameworks
- Quiz
Module 3: Setting Boundaries
Video: 11 Minutes
Chapters: 7
Module Objectives:
- Understand organisational boundaries and related concepts
- Understand different accounting categories and how the boundaries apply
- Understand operational boundaries and the 3 scopes
- Begin to understand the intricacies of Scope 3 emissions
Additional Reading:
- The Corporate Standard - Chapter 3 and 4
- Operational and Organisational Boundaries
- Organisational Boundaries
- Considerations for Selecting Equity or Control
- Operational Boundaries
- The Cradle-to-Gate Approach
- Upstream vs. Downstream
- Quiz
Module 4: Scope 1 & 2 Overview
Video: 22 Minutes
Chapters: 14
Module Objectives:
- Understand organisational boundaries and related concepts
- Understand the workpapers prepared under each scope
- Understand how to account for them
- Explore opportunities to reduce them
Additional Reading:
- GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance
- Template workpapers
- Scope 1 – Direct GHG Emissions
- Stationary Combustion
- Mobile Combustion
- Fugitive Emissions
- Physical or Chemical Processing
- Benefits of Measuring Fuel by Asset
- Leased Assets
- Scope 2 – Electricity Indirect GHG Emissions
- Opportunities from Scope 2 Reduction
- Electricity Generation vs. Distribution
- Accounting for Scope 2 – Location- or Market-based Method
- Calculating Emissions for Scope 2
- Emissions Factors Differences by Region
- Quiz
Module 5: Scope 3 Overview
Video: 18 Minutes
Chapters: 8
Module Objectives:
- Understand what Scope 3 emissions are and how they differ from Scope 1 and 2 emissions
- Understand why we can no longer ignore Scope 3 emissions
- Understand what constitutes Scope 3 emission, and how they can be categorised.
Additional Reading:
- Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard
- Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions
- Scope 3 Overview
- Why Account for Scope 3 Supply Chain Emissions?
- How Scope 3 Emissions Differ from Scope 1 and 2 – Recap
- What Constitutes Scope 3 Emissions?
- Primary Emissions vs. Industry Emissions Factors
- Ask the Question
- Scope 3 Workpaper
- Quiz
Module 6: Scope 1 - Mobile Combustion
Video: 13 Minutes
Chapters: 8
Module Objectives:
- Define mobile combustion
- Understand the data required for the assessment
- Understand the calculation of mobile combustion.
- Understand the difference between Scope 1 and Scope 3 mobile combustion.
- Understand the greenhouse gases that are emitted.
Additional Reading:
- Scope 1 & 2 GHG Inventory Guidance
- National Greenhouse Accounts Factors
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance: Direct Emissions from Mobile Combustion Sources
- Introduction
- What is Mobile Combustion?
- Collecting Activity Data
- Calculating Mobile Emissions
- Scope 1 vs. Scope 3 Mobile Emissions
- Biofuels
- Mobile Combustion Workpaper
- Quiz
Module 7: Scope 1 - Stationary Combustion
Video: 9 Minutes
Chapters: 8
Module Objectives:
- Develop an understanding of what stationary combustion includes
- Understanding the combustion process
- Understand the calculation of stationary combustion within the framework
Additional Reading:
- Scope 1 & 2 GHG Inventory Guidance
- Introduction
- The Combustion Process and the Release of CO2
- What About the Other Greenhouse Gases?
- Types of Stationary Combustion Assets
- Collecting Activity Data
- Use of Biofuels
- The Calculation Process
- Quiz
Module 8: Scope 1 - Fugitive and Process Emissions
Video: 9 Minutes
Chapters: 7
Module Objectives:
- Understand fugitive emissions in general
- Formulate an understanding of how to account for fugitive emissions
- Understand the formation of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and chlorofluorocarbons (PFC) greenhouse gases
Additional Reading:
- Cold Hard Facts 2021: An example of industry average leakage factors from common refrigerant assets in Australia
- IPCC AR5 Report
- What Are Fugitive Emissions?
- Manufacturing vs. Use Phase Emissions
- Collect Activity Data
- Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- The Calculation
- Sources of Fugitive Emissions
- Quiz
Module 9: Purchased Electricity
Video: 9 Minutes
Chapters: 7
Module Objectives:
- Account correctly for emissions from purchased electricity
- Understand the importance of Scope 2 emissions as an emissions source
- Learn about location based and market bases methods
Additional Reading:
- Scope 2 guidance
- National greenhouse gas account factors
- Scope 2 Overview
- Purchased Electricity as an Emissions Source
- Emissions Factors for Purchased Electricity
- Location-based vs. Market-based
- Calculating Emissions for Scope 2
- Measurement by Generation Source
- What About Solar Panels?
- Quiz
Module 10: Scope 3 – Purchased Goods and Services & Capital Goods
Video: 12 Minutes
Chapters: 9
Module Objectives:
- Understand what the purchased goods and services category looks like, and when to categorise emissions under purchased goods and services.
- Understand how to account for emissions from capital goods
- Explore different calculation methods to calculate emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods
Additional Reading:
- GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain Standard
- GHG Protocol Technical Guidance - Scope 3
- US EPA Scope 3 Inventory Guidance
- Refresher on Scope 3 Emissions
- Purchased Goods and Services
- Capital Goods
- Capital Goods and Purchased Goods and Services – How Do They Differ?
- Carbon Accounting for Capital Goods
- Calculation Methods and Reporting Period
- Time Boundaries
- Cradle to Gate
- Quiz
Module 11: Scope 3 – Upstream Transportation and Distribution
Video: 12 Minutes
Chapters: 9
Module Objectives:
- Understand what is included in upstream transportation and distribution
- Understand the different methods of calculating emissions from upstream transportation and distribution
- Understand the importance of setting boundaries when accounting for upstream transportation and distribution
Additional Reading:
- GHG (Green House Gases) Protocol – Category 4
- DEFRA Emissions Factors
- What Is Included?
- Calculating Emissions from Transportation
- The Fuel-based Method
- The Distance-based Method
- The Spend-based Method
- Calculating Emissions from Distribution
- The Site-specific Method
- The Average Data Method
- The Importance of Setting the Boundary
- Quiz
Module 12: Scope 3 – Waste Generated in Operations
Chapters: 9
Module Objectives:
- Develop an understanding of the emissions associated with waste generated in operations
- Understand the difference between waste-based emissions, and emissions coming from transportation of waste
Additional Reading:
- Chapter 5 of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Technical Guidance
- GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard
- Introduction
- Reporting in Future Periods
- Accounting for Waste Generated in Operations
- Waste Treatment Activities
- Accounting for Emissions from Recycling
- Emissions from Incineration with Energy Recovery
- Accounting for Emissions from Wastewater
- What Is the Recycled Content Method?
- Quiz
Module 13: Scope 3 - Business Travel
Video: -
Chapters: 6
Module Objectives:
- Understand what Business Travel expenditures are and when to categorise emissions under this category.
- Understand the three different calculation methods, and learn when to use which method.
Additional Reading:
- GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain Standard
- GHG Protocol Technical Guidance - Scope 3
- World Resource Institute - Business Travel Working Paper (2021)
- Introduction
- What is Included?
- Calculating Emissions from Business Travel
- The Distance-based Method
- Other Methods
- Quiz
Module 14: Scope 3 – Employee Commuting
Video: -
Chapters: 8
Module Objectives:
- Understand what falls under the employee commuting category under Scope 3.
- Understand the different methods available under the GHG Protocol that can be used to calculate emissions from employee commuting.
- Understand the sources of emission factor data is used to quantify emission-based employee activity data.
- Understand the benefits and opportunities that arise from measuring commuting emissions and from engaging with the workforce on the topic.
Additional Reading:
- GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain Standard
- GHG Protocol Technical Guidance - Scope 3
- Introduction
- Calculating Emissions from Employee Commuting
- Fuel-Based vs Distance-Based Method
- Average-Data Method
- Working From Home
- Data Collection Practicalities
- Employee commuting matters!
- Quiz
Module 15: Scope 3 – Upstream Leased Assets
Video: -
Chapters: 8
Module Objectives:
- Understand the definition of leased assets
- Understand how the equity and control approaches impact the treatment of leased assets under the GHG Protocol
- Understand calculation methods for leased assets.
- What are Upstream Leased Assets?
- Treatment of Finance vs Operating Leases
- Calculating Emissions From Leased Assets
- Asset-Specific Method
- Lessor-Specific Method
- Average Data Method
- Other Important Considerations
- Quiz
Module 16: Scope 3 – Other Categories
Video: -
Chapters: 10
Module Objectives:
- Understand each of the downstream Scope 3 subcategories at a high level.
- Understand and be able to apply the available calculation methods to quantify emissions from each of the subcategories.
- Be aware of the key challenges associated with quantifying downstream emissions.
- Overview of Downstream Scope 3 Categories
- Downstream Transportation and Distribution
- Processing of Sold Products
- Use of Sold Products
- End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products
- Downstream Leased Assets
- Franchises
- Investments
- Wrap-up
- Quiz
Module 17: Emissions Intensity Reporting
Video: 17 Minutes
Chapters: 10
Module Objectives:
- Understand the purpose of emissions intensity reporting.
- Learn how to collect the relevant information to report on emissions intensity.
- Understand the guidance around intensity reporting.
- Identify the parallels between management accounting and emissions intensity reporting.
- Learn how an emissions intensity measure can be used as a primary factor.
- Why Report Emissions Intensity?
- How Do You Calculate Emissions Intensity?
- Examples of Intensity Metrics
- Moving from Intensity Metrics to Emissions Factors
- So How Do We Actually Calculate Primary Factors?
- Allocation Methods and Avoiding Allocations
- Activity-based Costing – the OG Emissions Intensity Tool
- Example from the GHG Protocol
- What Are We Actually Doing with the Primary Data?
- Quiz
Module 18: Business Cases - Advisory Work 101
Video: 14 Minutes
Chapters: 14
Module Objectives:
- Understand what a business case is and how carbon accounting is relevant.
- Understand how to read a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve.
- View some examples of typical business cases for emissions reductions.
- Introduction
- What Is a Business Case?
- Relevance of Carbon Accounting to a Business Case
- Risk Mitigation – Climate
- Risk Mitigation – Corporate
- Compliance
- Societal Pressure
- Finding Inefficiencies
- Marginal Abatement Cost Curves
- Marginal Abatement Cost Curves – Example
- Business Case Examples – EV Purchasing
- Business Case Examples – Waste Reduction
- Business Case Examples – Virtual Meetings Instead of Travel
- MAC Curves for Business Cases
- Quiz
Final assessment
The final assessment has 30 questions and you will need 60% to pass.