Carbon Accounting as a service

What’s involved in adding a new service

Carbon Accounting: The Time is Now

The demand for carbon accounting services is no longer a distant trend; it is here, and clients are looking to their trusted advisors for guidance. If you’ve been observing the rise of ESG services and wondering how to position your practice, focusing on carbon accounting is a strategic move that aligns with the immediate needs of businesses today.

Why Carbon Accounting?

Many clients are not ready for elaborate net-zero strategies or extensive sustainability reports. However, what they often do understand is the need to establish their baseline carbon emissions. A baseline assessment allows them to determine where they stand, paving the way for future strategies and informed decision-making. By offering this service, you provide a concrete first step in a long journey toward emissions reduction.

The GHG Protocol provides a clear standard for this work, enabling you to:

  • Identify emissions sources across operations, from electricity and fuel to purchased goods and travel.
  • Improve the quality of data over time.
  • Lay the foundation for meaningful advisory work tied to emission reduction and compliance efforts.

Why Offer Carbon Accounting as a Service?

Performing carbon accounting in-house positions you as the lead on your client relationship, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how emissions are calculated and the associated uncertainties. This knowledge is critical for:

  • Prioritising projects based on emissions impact.
  • Forecasting carbon return on investment.
  • Building credibility in your clients' sustainability efforts.

If clients use third-party calculators or platforms that bypass your expertise, you’ll face challenges such as:

  • Uncertainty around calculation methodologies and emission factors.
  • Lack of a clear audit trail or supporting workpapers.
  • Difficulty reconciling carbon data with financial records.

By managing the process yourself, you ensure that your professional judgment and value are integral to the outcome.

The First Step: A Baseline GHG Emissions Assessment

The starting point for many clients is preparing a GHG emissions assessment in line with the GHG Protocol. This involves:

  • Identifying emissions sources, such as electricity, fuel use, travel, and waste.
  • Using existing accounting data to gather much of the required information.
  • Producing a comprehensive report that serves as the foundation for future work.

For clients just beginning their carbon accounting journey, this service provides a practical, accessible entry point.

If your client is making green claims, communicating ambitious targets or claiming actual emission reduction without an understanding of this baseline (let alone ongoing carbon accounting) - you may consider that to be a bit of a red flag and a reason to get on top of this process.

Resources to Get Started

We’ve collated some helpful resources in the section called: Your first client

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